Christmas orders now being taken 2019

With only a few weeks to go don't forget your turkey order!
Whatever will be gracing your table this holiday season, we have an amazing range of free range, locally sourced meats including Turkey - Horse Shoe Gammon - Pheasant - Duck - Goose - Capon – Loin of Pork - Rack of Lamb – Leg of Lamb – Rolled Sirloin - Fillet - Rib of Beef - Salmon cut Beef - Partridge (on request) and more.
Having a party or festive buffet? We also have an amazing range of cold meats, pies, fresh homemade gravy, cakes and much more also available to pre-order.
1. To pre-order your festive fayre pick up an order form, complete your order and hand it into the butchers counter (for all fresh meats) and the Deli (for pies etc).
2. All orders must be placed by18th December.
3. Orders to be collected from 22nd (9am - 5pm), 23rd (8am - 6pm), 24th December (7am - 2pm). All turkey orders are to be collected and paid for from the outdoor wooden shed, all other orders are to be collected and paid for inside.
If you have any questions please call us on 01924 848171.